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  • Writer's pictureAly Moore

How do we design symbiosis? 🧠

How do we restore life to our production systems so that they can adapt to changes themselves?

Nature-Based Systems Design

How can we make food systems antifragile? Less dependent on imports? More resilient and nutritious? By letting nature do what it does best.

The insect agriculture Industry is bookended by millions of years of R&D and product development in the form of thousands of species of insects.

It’s also a very new industry; we’re still scaling things like insect ‘animal husbandry’ and veterinary services. We’re seeing incredible real-time breakthroughs that maximize production breeding rates and nutritional performance.

  • Our systems design builds around the incredible work that nature has already done for us,

  • While at the same time adapting to the latest advancements in the field.

Insects vs. Lab Meat

There was an estimation that they [lab meat] will need $450M in capital invested to produce the next 10,000 metric tons of product.

That’s two of our facilities… so even just in terms of cost of unit production, we’re way ahead of cell-based. + the 100s of millions of years we have from nature to test this technology compared to other “newer” technologies.

Bio-Based Beats Chemicals

Our growth is well-timed with the increased global effort to shift agriculture management from chemical-based solutions to integrated, biological solutions that preserve the health and longevity of agricultural production.

Leading with biology-based designs has ensured that we stay both relevant and ahead of the technical curve over the years as the BSF industry has grown. Our team is a rapid learning beast ;)

We’re re-integrating insect biology into agricultural systems for a food future that is sustainable, resilient, and secure.

If you’re on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, or Linkedin, please give us a follow and stay tuned for more.

Sincerely Circular,

The Chapul Farms Team


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