Critical Context

Dear Change-Maker,
Current global food production is linear, extractive, and unsustainable. We sacrificed long-term soil health for short-term yield increases.
We use about 10 calories of energy to produce 1 calorie of food
Over a third of the global food supply is wasted each year
A third of all fish are used as animal feed
Land-intensive soy is used to feed cattle, chickens, and fish

We’re Hooked on Inputs
Agricultural practices of the last decades have killed our soils, leaving us addicted to inputs like synthetic fertilizers. Input costs are rising at record rates due to climate change, ongoing COVID-19 supply constraints, and geopolitical turmoil.

This is a TODAY Problem
A recent Deloitte report found that climate inaction could cost the world $178 trillion over the next 50 years. Alternatively, by hitting net-zero by 2050, countries could add $43 trillion to the global economy. (The environmental incentive is more than enough, but some people like to talk in $$$.)

According to Project Drawdown , diverting organics from landfills is the #1 actionable item to address climate change, but we "lack scalable technologies" to address the problem.
We beg to differ.
Here’s our plan: Rapidly scale US insect supply chain and insect farms
Integrate regenerative systems to divert waste, close loops, and return biodiversity to the soil
Produce sustainable, domestically available feed and fertilizer products
Chapul Farms will deploy $1B in Capex over 10 years to build 20 facilities
Sincerely Circular,
The Chapul Farms Team
